
Frequently Asked Questions

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Purchases & Refunds

If your payment was declined or you received an error message when trying to send a payment, it could be because:

  • You may need to confirm the email address associated with your PayPal account.
  • There may be an issue with the funding source you’ve selected (insufficient balance or declined transaction). Contact your bank or card issuer for more information.
  • You have a limitation placed in your PayPal account.
  • The seller’s/recipient’s PayPal account is limited.
  • Double check that your details are correct or not while making payment.

If you wrongly purchased course which you were not looking for or any other issue, kindly send us request with your purchase details on within 30 days of purchase.

At the time of making payment you can redeem your Active Coupon available with you.
50% revenue share on any sale. You can publish as many free and paid courses as you like on LearnAll platform. Instructors are rewarded for creating amazing content. LearnAll and the instructor share equally on these sales as LearnAll bringing students to the platform through internal and third party promotions. Please note this revenue share on Net Revenue.

All About Courses

To change your account name kindly send a request on from your registered profile id.

To unsubscribe from LearnAll Newsletters simply click on unsubscribe at the bottom on email.
To change your password go to your profile page. Click on the settings from there you can change your password anytime.

Missing mobile purchase
If you purchased a course on iOS or Android, it's possible that the course was not registered to your account. Please email your purchase receipt to
Multiple e-mail accounts
If you use multiple e-mail accounts, or have a Facebook or Google account, try logging in with the associate e-mail addresses.
Recover your course
If you are not able to find your purchased course in your account. You can recover it with your Valid Order Key which is generated at the time of purchase. Go to your profile page - Click on orders - provide your Valid Order Key (available in your order detail) to recover your course.

When you complete a paid course on LearnAll platform, you will receive a certificate of completion, which you can share with your friends, relatives, co-workers and potential employers. Certificates of completion help demonstrate your accomplishments, but please note LearnAll is not an accredited institution, and as a result, the certificates cannot be used for formal accreditation.

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